The Beacon in the Sky

Insights for Balanced Lifestyles


Can’t decide which show to watch next?

I am two Seasons behind to complete watching ‘Grey’s Anatomy.’ When I began to watch Grey’s Anatomy, someone said to me, it’s a women’s TV show so you should not watch it. Or ‘House’ and ‘Dexter’ are better, etc. Personally, I got a good impression regarding self-care and a personal development from Grey’s Anatomy. I don’t think it’s only designated to a specific gender or sex, but anyone can enjoy it on the weekends, or put it in your binge watching lists over the break.

As weorange-is-the-new-black are getting to the end of the Seasons for Grey’s, I was debating watching, “Orange is the new Black,’ and ‘Law & Order Special Victim Unit.’ I ended up choosing, ‘Law & Order Special Victims Unit.’ Over ‘Orange is the new Black,’ That is because ‘Law & Order’ is a little broader scale than ‘Orange is the new Black,’, and I am very attracted to the emotional expressions behind the rational/factual plots in each episode, especially in the seasons, the special victim unit.’


In summary, now I would dare say Grey’s anatomy is a good TV show to be worth watching. And, I got started watching,  ‘Law & Order Special Victims Unit.’ I would like to say, ‘Don’t judge TV shows by others’ opinions or their 20 second trailers, so as not to judge the book by its cover.’



Psalm 51, v. 2

Wash me throughtly from my wickedness:

and cleanse me from my sin.

Psalm 51, v. 2